Android Privacy Policy


The apps Practice Bird and Practice Bird Pro request the permission “RECORD_AUDIO” from the user to retrieve live audio data from the microphone which will be used for the mode Pitch-monitor (coloring the notes depending on your playing and giving a final statistics result when stopping the playback) or Auto-page-turn (turning the page along with your individual playing speed). The recorded audio data is only held temporarily in the device memory for this purpose and is not saved to SD-Card and also not transmitted to any other device or used in any other way.

Auto Page Turn

In case of Auto-Page-Turn the recorded audio data is only held temporarily in the device memory for this purpose and is not saved to SD-Card and also not transmitted to any other device or used in any other way.

Instant Pitch Monitoring

In case of Instant-Pitch-Monitor the recorded audio data is stored temporarily on the device memory in the sandboxed region of the app for enabling the customer to listen or share his/her performance after finishing playing with Instant-Pitch-Monitor. The recording is not transmitted to any other device or used in any other way.

Questions? Get in touch via our Contact Page

Last update: May 24, 2024 by PhonicScore GmbH, Vienna, Austria

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